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We the sex workers of ICAAP 2009 demand the inclusion of multiple languages at ICAAP 2011.

ICAAP is wasting resources bringing so many people together but we only listen and hear from those who are speaking English. The majority of the Asia Pacific does not speak English – the majority of ICAAP should be in languages other than English, to represent the whole region.

We the sex workers of ICAAP 2009 demand the inclusion of multiple languages at ICAAP 2011.

ICAAP is wasting resources bringing so many people together but we only listen and hear from those who are speaking English. The majority of the Asia Pacific does not speak English – the majority of ICAAP should be in languages other than English, to represent the whole region.

We recognize the inclusion of one panel a day in Bahasa Indonesian speakers at ICAAP 2009. However those panels have not included the influencial policy people and leaders that need to hear the voices of those from the community who speak languages other than English. There needs to be interactive panels for sex workers in multiple languages so that sex workers from all backgrounds can actually PARTICIPATE in the conference in languages other than English. We recognize the attempts to have translation in the plenaries, however there have been many problems with this. 1) there has not always been translation available on the headsets 2) the speakers are not considering the translation and are speaking too fast 3) without translators from all languages into English, the speakers of languages other than English are not able to ask questions or interact with the speakers from the audience 4) the cultural bias of the translators means that the translation uses insulting words or words that are inappropriately clinical , thus rendering the translation pointless. The values of the translators have been imposed onto the listeners. English, Bahasa Indonesian, Thai, Burmese, Mongolian, Hindi, Chinese, Tok Pisin, Tetun

A sex worker committee to oversee sex work related abstracts and scholarships for ICAAP 2011.We do not wish to allow presenters who are not sex workers but who want to present on sex worker projects. They are presenting about us in2009, but in 2011 we demand that the sex worker present on sex worker issues.

We oppose the multiple names that researchers and project workers call us: we are not a divided or hierarchical community – we are a sex worker community standing in solidarity together and we demand to be treated as such.

Scholarships should be extended to more sex workers. Scholarships granted to community nominated translators who are accompanying sex workers. An end to partial scholarships –full scholarships only.

source: Scarlet Alliance

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