Beauty Queen Pooja Chopra, the elegant winner of India’s Femina beauty contest and who will be representing India at the Miss World 2009 contest, visited a red-light area of Mumbai.
The purpose of her visit was to interact with the young children of the sex workers. She met them at a school set up to educate these children.
This visit was organised by Apna Women, a non-governmental organisation that is working for the welfare of the sex workers.
Beauty Queen Pooja Chopra, the elegant winner of India’s Femina beauty contest and who will be representing India at the Miss World 2009 contest, visited a red-light area of Mumbai.
The purpose of her visit was to interact with the young children of the sex workers. She met them at a school set up to educate these children.
This visit was organised by Apna Women, a non-governmental organisation that is working for the welfare of the sex workers.
While interacting with the media persons present on the occasion, Chopra said that she had come here to encourage the children of the sex-workers to study and progress in life since they have not been fortunate to have a decent social tag.
“I’ve just come here to encourage these kids. These kids unfortunately are not from the society from where we come. They are children of the sex workers,” said Pooja Chopra, Indian Beauty Queen and contestant for the Miss World title.
On their part, the children thanked her by presenting colourful drawings sketched by them.
Rani, one of the students at the school, said that she was delighted since a celebrity figure like Pooja Chopra had spared some time for the poor children.
“We felt very good that she took out her precious time and came here to meet us. The biggest thing is that we have learnt a lot from her,” said Rani.
Apna Women is engaged in helping the children of sex workers in basic academic education and learning productive vocational skills to chart out a decent career for them.
Source: Newstrack India