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The topics of the training were “Prevention of HIV and STIs among Sex Workers” and “Fundamentals of Counseling and a Non-medical service”. During the training the participants were learning to carry out Pre-test and After-test counseling, to motivate project’s customers to become project’s partners, to prevent HIV infection and STIs taking into account specifics of sex workers as people with increased risk of getting infected. The participants of the training were doctors, psychologists, sex workers, lawyers, social workers (including representatives of governmental agencies).

The topics of the training were “Prevention of HIV and STIs among Sex Workers” and “Fundamentals of Counseling and a Non-medical service”. During the training the participants were learning to carry out Pre-test and After-test counseling, to motivate project’s customers to become project’s partners, to prevent HIV infection and STIs taking into account specifics of sex workers as people with increased risk of getting infected. The participants of the training were doctors, psychologists, sex workers, lawyers, social workers (including representatives of governmental agencies).

Every day of the training all the participants shared their impressions and their own life experience, which influenced their learning process and their desire to be useful for the SW movement.

Every day was full of new concepts for the participants, for example: The concept of the second day: Sex Worker = human. This was understood and accepted by everyone. Also the principles of the day emerged, such as: a group of mutual help = people. The participants not only understood this principle, but also vocalized it themselves. For two days the organizers of the training were asking the participants to share the most important things. The quotes of the day 2: Nikolay: “My world view will not be the same again, I need to understand this”. Elena: “I realized where I can be helpful, and I know which direction I have to grow today”. Igor: “We are not psychologists, we are not doctors, and that is why it is easier for us to be on equal footing with a person”. Oksana: “I felt the power and realized that we are a team of like-minded people”. Alexander: “More, more, more work and study, even 24 hours a day”. Yuriy: “I expected less, but got a lot more”. Quotes of the day 3: Elena: “Every day, my feelings were changing, I was changing, I am changing”. Mikhail: “Thank you that you were with me and you will be with me in the future”. Irina: “A mutual help group is only crutches”. Ludmila: “My skepticism was collapsed by professionalism”. Kirill: “Every person is the whole world, and the whole world is a human.”

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