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The charity auction was held on 11th of April at 19.00 in “Public Room” (centre for design and innovations, Skopje) for the kids whose parents are/were drug users and sex workers.

The charity auction was held on 11th of April at 19.00 in “Public Room” (centre for design and innovations, Skopje) for the kids whose parents are/were drug users and sex workers.

“As there is the lack of funding, we had a great need to join the “Move with your finger” and to organize a charity auction for the children whose parents are using our services, to continue them visiting our daily center for rehabilitation and resocialization, where they can visit their psychologist, pedagogue, social workers, where they can be creative and their creative mind will be developed, and at the same time we will give them the opportunity to participate in more social activities and visit more cultural events – said Irena Mila from HOPS,- now we can organize many birthdays, workshops and events together.”

Smiling faces, beautiful atmosphere- “Public Room” was full with beautiful people, among them Sasko Kocev and famous Macedonian artists, designers and writers.

“We sold all the artworks and we gathered 295.692 Macedonian denars”, – said Irena Mila from HOPS.

“If we want to do something to the society and raise the awareness about many things, we need to move just with one finger! Just imagine if we give so much effort for something and moving with our finger is just the beginning, then I truly hope that we will “open” everyone’s’ eyes about many marginalised groups! We have a lot of artworks that have been donated from our artists, designers, writers, also we have a jersey from our famous footballer Goran Pandev, get prepared to bid because kids from HOPS need our help!” – said Sasko Kocev in the crowded “Public Room“ at the beginning of the auction.

The event was opened by DJ Cako, who is the Macedonian ambassador to the United Nations, representing people with Down syndrome. He heated up the atmosphere and made everyone to dance from the very beginning. After, Hristijan Jankulovski, CEO of HOPS, made a short speech, thanking all present guests for “moving their finger” and helping to solve the problem.

After a successful auction, the evening continued with DJ Goce Saf, when literally everyone in “Public Room” was dancing.

Source: DPNSEE

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