SWAN’s Submission to the Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls
SWAN input for High Commissioner’s report on HIV and AIDS
SWAN Letter of Concern regarding major budget cuts for HIV response in North Macedonia
EECA Networks call upon UN, EU, OSCE and Red Cross for humanitarian corridor for Ukraine
EECA Networks Statement on the new Political Declaration on HIV and AIDs
SWAN submission to Minister for Justice and Equality of Ireland
SWAN submission to Goverment of Scotland on Equally Safe consultation
SWAN commentary to Draft General Recommendation on Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Context of Global Migration
Joint input into the Global Fund Strategy Development from key affected communities and civil society from CEECA
SWAN submission for General discussion on Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Context of Global Migration- CEDAW
SWAN submission to UN Working Group on the Discrimination Against Women
SWAN submission to the UN Women’s consultation
Open letter to Amnesty International Board of Directors
Joint statement of EECA regional networks on Global Fund Strategy