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The program of the event: 11.00 to 12.30 press-conference; 13.00 – 17.00 “Open Dialogue” discussion forum; 13.00 to 17.00 «For bread and freedom» exhibition organized by the art project “Feminist Kitchen” and the “Silver Rose” movement.
Contact: Irina Maslova,, +79119288531.
11.00 — 12.30 press-conference

The program of the event: 11.00 to 12.30 press-conference; 13.00 – 17.00 “Open Dialogue” discussion forum; 13.00 to 17.00 «For bread and freedom» exhibition organized by the art project “Feminist Kitchen” and the “Silver Rose” movement.
Contact: Irina Maslova,, +79119288531.
11.00 — 12.30 press-conference

Irina Maslova, a leader of the “Silver Rose” movement.
Anastasia Petrova, psychologist, the “Silver Rose” movement
Anna Sarang, Foundation for Assisting Health and Human Rights Advocacy named after Andrei Rylkov (FAR)
Mikhail Golichenko, Canadian HIV/AID Legal Network
Viktoria Begalskaya, curator of the “For bread and freedom” exhibition”

On December 24, 2013 we will go through the court hearings at the Municipal Court of St. Petersburg, where we will try to persuade the judge that sex workers have a right to found a non-commercial organization to protect their own health, fight HIV epidemics, advocate for their own civil rights and defend their dignity.
We are contesting the Ministry of Justice decision to deny the registration of the non-commercial partnership. The denial was justified by the absence of the “sex worker” from the Russian state registry of professions due to which the Ministry of Justice is unable to conduct the legal examination of the registration documents. At the same time “sex workers” are mentioned in several official documents (National Progress Report on Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, Health and Hygiene rules and standards, Resolutions of the Chief Sanitary Officer of Russia). Both the state and the international community have recognized that sex workers are a vulnerable social group in need of assistance (medical, social, psychological, legal).
The “Silver Rose” sees sex worker as an adult who realizes his or her right for privacy through providing sexual services for money to an adult partner in a safe and reasonable way and on the basis of mutual agreement. The “Silver Rose” estimates that there are about 3 million sex workers in Russia.
Human rights defenders believe that the denial to register the “Silver Rose” violates article 11 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (freedom of assembly and association). The court hearing on December 24 will demonstrate if we are able to put an end to the discrimination of the 3 million people. Our goal is to ensure that any sex worker is able to oppose violence.

13.00 – 17.00. the exhibition “For Bread and Butter”

The exhibition “For Bread and Butter” was prepared by the art-project “Feminist kitchen” and the “Silver Rose” movement. The exhibition displays the art works created by sex workers at the workshop that Victoria Begalskaia organized in the autumn of 2013, as well as the painting “A cop and a prostitute” created collectively by a Yalta painter Andrei Orlov and a sex worker Lena. The exhibition will also display an installation “Appealing to decision-makers” created by members of the “Silver Rose” movement (Barbie dolls, textile).
The visitors will have a chance to buy some of the art work. The sales revenue will be used to finance the HIV prevention campaign for sex workers and to provide legal assistance to unlawfully detained sex workers.

13.00 – 17.00. Discussion forum “Open Dialogue”

The “Silver Rose” and its partners will talk about sex worker friendly services in Moscow. The specialists there are tolerant and have rich professional expertise. Currently there are sex worker friendly services of a substance abuse professional, psychologist, STI and skin specialist and a beautician.

The visitors will be able to take a free and confidential HIV test, get free contraceptives, a red umbrella with the December 17th logo and other presents.

We are stronger together!

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