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Releasing our Annual Report for 2023 – Reflecting on a Year of Resilience and Advocacy

In 2023, SWAN navigated challenges and celebrated triumphs, while remaining steadfast in our commitment to advocating for sex workers’ rights. This year marked a significant milestone for SWAN as we developed a new five-year strategic plan in collaboration with our elected board of sex worker representatives, setting a clear direction for the future of our work.

With the support of the Numun Fund, we also made our first foray into the digital space, conducting a pioneering digital security assessment—an unprecedented effort in the CEECA region. This initiative lays a strong foundation for future capacity-building, advocacy, and collaboration within the feminist tech landscape.

Moreover, 2023 saw the beginnings of the “Rise and Decriminalise” movement, a solidarity campaign aimed at decriminalizing sex work, drug use, HIV transmission, and advocating for LGBT rights. Working alongside key partner networks like ECOM, EHRA, ENPUD, and EWNA, we have built a coalition for change across the CEECA region.

As we release this report, we take a moment to celebrate our progress, acknowledge the key contributors to our success, and reaffirm our commitment to our shared values as we continue to strive for greater empowerment and lasting impact.

The Report is available in English and Russian

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