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Selling sex in Russia is considered as an administrative offence (article 6.11 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and punished by fine. After being fined, this data remains registered on police archives and can not be deleted, but can be used by third parties. There were cases when sex workers were denied to get another job, because the information about them being fined for selling sex was disclosed to the employer.

Selling sex in Russia is considered as an administrative offence (article 6.11 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and punished by fine. After being fined, this data remains registered on police archives and can not be deleted, but can be used by third parties. There were cases when sex workers were denied to get another job, because the information about them being fined for selling sex was disclosed to the employer.

“Article 6.11 stands betweensex workers and a great idea to punish the rapist. Because of the fear of being fined under this article, sex workers,subjected to violence, do not report.”- states the guide.

“Last autumn in St Petersburg there was a meeting dedicated to the 17th of December campaign 2016. The meeting was organized by Silver Rose. At the meeting the publication of information materials was discussed. After the campaign there were unspent funds left and we came back to the idea of creating information materials. The idea has transformed into safety guide for sex worker”- tells one of Silver Rose activists.

The guide contains the recommendations on the organizations in Russia that can provide help to sex workers, basic security measures, how to choose a place to work, how to be safe on an outcall, how to deal with drunk and mentally challenged clients, what to do if the client got the stroke or heart attack. The guide also contains the real stories from sex workers.

You can find the security guide in Russian here.

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