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“From July 2009 we started with street based cafeterias during our outreach work on Slovnaftska street.”, says Lubica Tornoczyova from Odyseus. “Slovnaftska is the area where street sex workers work and this part of the city is famous for trucks parking places. It is an area, which is very close to one of the busy road to the city center. There is a lack of any other services like drinking water, public phones, restaurants or other possibilities where sex workers might possibly refresh themselves or relax after work.”

“From July 2009 we started with street based cafeterias during our outreach work on Slovnaftska street.”, says Lubica Tornoczyova from Odyseus. “Slovnaftska is the area where street sex workers work and this part of the city is famous for trucks parking places. It is an area, which is very close to one of the busy road to the city center. There is a lack of any other services like drinking water, public phones, restaurants or other possibilities where sex workers might possibly refresh themselves or relax after work.”

Odyseus therefore decided to buy a few sun umbrellas, chairs and tables. Outreach workers offer coffee, fresh water and soup for those who are interested. Sex workers can sit in this small cafeteria, chat to each other, speak with outreach workers or read magazines.

“We have very positive feedback from our clients and we hope that warm weather will last until October. This cafeteria gives a great opportunity not only for rest, but also for some kind of creation of space for self-support among sex workers and it’s also a great tool for consultations with sex workers. ”, adds Tornoczyova.

Contact person: Lubica Tornoczyova
More about A.C. Odyseus

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