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Website is prosecuted in a case investigated by prosecutors from District 1 Court, Bucharest.

Website is prosecuted in a case investigated by prosecutors from District 1 Court, Bucharest.

According to a press release from the prosecutor’s office on April 3rd, prosecutors began prosecution against the company Anunţul Telefonic SRL for committing several crimes of pimping. Following their hearing, judges have determined that Anunţul Telefonic SRL is no longer allowed to carry out activities such as those where pimping was committed for a period of 60 days, respectively banning the online ads within the sub-heading “She is looking for a partner”, part of the heading “Dating”, on www.anunţ site.

According to the prosecutors, between May 24, 2013 and February 4, 2015, website, through its way of structuring, facilitated prostitution for many people who have posted ads. By accepting promotion of these services, this site has facilitated prostitutes to recruit the clients with which they had sexual intercourse surcharge. Benefitting from prostitution is also supported by the fact that under the heading ‘Personal Ads’ there were 4 sections: ‘woman seeking man’, ‘man seeking woman’, ‘erotic massage parlors’, ‘seeking friendship, marriage’, ‘other’, thus it can be seen that the subsection ‘woman seeking man’ was created separately and served a purpose other than that for which an objective observer would believe the ‘Personal ads’ heading was established, since this heading also included the subheading ‘seeking friendship, marriage’, claim the investigators.

“Also, after the undergone activities, several situations have been identified in which different persons have facilitated activities of prostitution of female persons, all linked to the website, meaning that they, or even the girls who were offering sexual services in exchanged for money, were publishing advertisements in the “Marriage” section – subsection “Woman seeking man”, and thus, clients were attracted, from whom, for the offered services, they were obtaining material gains that later they were sharing with those who had facilitated this activity.”

“In fact, through credit cards, the persons investigated paid the ads that appeared on the site, published in the heading and the subheading mentioned above, and through the phone numbers presented in the ads, customers contacted women and obtained, surcharge, the desired services, activity supported and facilitated by the persons investigated, thus pursuing and obtaining significant financial benefits for them,” said prosecutors from District 1.

Website is prosecuted in a case in which another 36 people are also investigated.


Representative of “Carusel” Ana Mohr commented, that have contacted Carusel recently to develop together a campaign in order to raise awareness on sex work.

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