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Ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. Rosa Parks was a secretary, Ghandi was a lawyer, Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor, Aurelia Browder was a seamstress, and Claudette Colvin was a student. Some like Jackie Robinson, who was already a distinguished athlete, were in the public eye, but many of the contributors to the fight for social justice, civil and human rights are not widely known. This does not make their contributions to causes or movements any less important. Think of the nameless faceless people who fought segregation in the United States for almost a century.

Ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. Rosa Parks was a secretary, Ghandi was a lawyer, Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor, Aurelia Browder was a seamstress, and Claudette Colvin was a student. Some like Jackie Robinson, who was already a distinguished athlete, were in the public eye, but many of the contributors to the fight for social justice, civil and human rights are not widely known. This does not make their contributions to causes or movements any less important. Think of the nameless faceless people who fought segregation in the United States for almost a century. Or the thousands of civilians who fought the Nazis by singing traditional songs. Or the people in our own countries who fight everyday against injustice and discrimination. Each of us can be advocates for issues of importance to us and use non-violent actions – no matter how small – to do as Gandhi said and “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

What is advocacy?
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Advocacy and Non Violent Action
Part 3: Gandhi: Advocacy and Non-violence


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