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 Says Tijana Pavicevic, Coordinator of the Juventas Harm Reduction Program: “Our first Project dedicated only to sex workers started in February 2007. The goal of the Health and Opportunities Project is prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted and blood born infections among sex workers, with outreach work as main activity. The other aspect is education and rising sensitivity of police officers about these topics.”

 Says Tijana Pavicevic, Coordinator of the Juventas Harm Reduction Program: “Our first Project dedicated only to sex workers started in February 2007. The goal of the Health and Opportunities Project is prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted and blood born infections among sex workers, with outreach work as main activity. The other aspect is education and rising sensitivity of police officers about these topics.”

“Outreach is still conducted in all tree regions of Montenegro. So far we have provided services to over 120 female and male street workers, or those who work in night clubs and hotels. Services that we provide are: distribution of free of charge condoms, lubricants and sterile injecting equipment, printed educative material, counselling services, rehabilitation of injecting wounds, helping in approaching to health services” Says Tijana Pavicevic.

Contact person: Tijana Pavicevic

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