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SWAN is proud to announce our new publication ‘REPORTING FROM THE SHADOWS: Using CEDAW to Advocate for Sex Workers’ Rights in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia’.

This booklet is aimed at sex workers, sex worker groups, organizations working with sex workers, women’s groups, drug users’ groups, LGBT groups, human rights organizations and other allies who want to know more about advancing recognition for sex workers’ rights through the United Nations human rights bodies, and in particular, through the Committee on the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). We are sharing our experiences in the hope that it proves as helpful as learning from others’ experiences was to us. We also hope that it allows more people to know about the work that SWAN, sex workers and allies are doing to end human rights abuses against sex workers.

We would like to thank the individual sex workers, sex worker groups and sex work projects in SWAN network that generously shared their time, experiences and expertise with us in the hopes of the improving the recognition of sex workers’ rights as human rights. A special thank you goes to Anna-Louise Crago for her help with the publication.

You can download a PDF of the ‘REPORTING FROM THE SHADOWS: Using CEDAW to Advocate for Sex Workers’ Rights in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia’ >>HERE IN ENGLISH and >>HERE IN RUSSIAN.

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