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 The exhibition has been put together by the art-project “Feminist kitchen” and the Silver Rose, the movement of sex workers and their allies to advocate for health, dignity and human rights.

 The exhibition has been put together by the art-project “Feminist kitchen” and the Silver Rose, the movement of sex workers and their allies to advocate for health, dignity and human rights.

The exhibition will assemble:
-Sex worker art works created during the Vika Begalskaya workshops in October and December this year in St. Petersburg.
– The painting “A cop and a prostitute” created by collective efforts of a Yalta painter Andrei Orlov and a sex worker Lena
– The installation “Appealing to decision-makers” (Barby dolls, textile) a collective work by Silver Rose activists.
The “For Bread and Butter” exhibition sets the goal to overcome the stigmatization of sex workers, to give them an opportunity to speak up in public and to actively participate in the social and cultural processes. We hope that the project will contribute to overcoming the psychological alienation of sex workers and will promote their ways of artistic expression and self-representation.

Feminist kitchen
Silver Rose

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