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SWAN joins European Digital Rights in signing their open letter against the EU’s proposed CSA Regulation

SWAN has joined 81 other organisations calling on EU member states not to agree to mass surveillance in the EU’s proposed CSA Regulation! 

EU countries are on the brink of solidifying their position on the EU Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Regulation, often referred to as “chat control.” This proposed legislation has profound implications for sex workers, as it could force companies to continuously monitor private digital communications on behalf of governments.

Despite widespread apprehension, the recent Council amendments, mirroring the European Commission’s original proposal, endorse measures that may lead to extensive surveillance, potentially compromising end-to-end encryption. Legal experts advising EU governments raise the alarm about the current CSA Regulation, which could infringe upon the rights of millions in Europe, without any suspicion of wrongdoing. Furthermore, it could impose mandatory ID checks for internet access, exacerbating digital exclusion, and particularly affecting marginalized communities, including sex workers.

Unfortunately, EU governments have yet to enact vital changes to safeguard human rights, encompassing privacy, free expression, and the presumption of innocence. This appeal resonates with the concerns of nearly 500 scientists and researchers, emphasizing the proposal’s technical hazards and its grave impact on encryption, which is crucial for the safety and privacy of sex workers and others.

You can read the full open letter here

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